There are a lot of web pages that contain information about celebrities and autographs. It may be difficult to find a page that is useful for you. Doing research for this site I familiarized myself with many useful and interesting web sites that I am willing to share with you.
If you are interested in “the best and the worst” lists and detailed explanations about celebrities and their relationship with fans, you would be interested in the site, CANADAGRAPHS that offers extremely extensive lists with explanations of every singer and actor.
If you are interested in top lists made by year, Mike the Fanboy would be good choice for you. He follows celebrities and makes different range lists every year.
If you are interested in spending money and want to buy some signed pieces, such as guitars and posters, visit The Signature Library. This site gives you an opportunity to buy signed pieces from many world popular celebrities.
I hope that these recommendations are useful for you and that you will find something for you on every site.